Thursday 3 October
Arrival at school (8-9)
Welcome ceremony (60 min) (9-10)
CHAIRMEN: N. Georgolios, S.Friligkos, A. Rapisarda
Students present their schools or universities (60 min)
- Mattia Famoso and Daigo Tricomi: “Cultural presentation of Italy and our school”. Liceo Boggio-Lera, Catania, (supervising
teacher: A.Rapisarda) Italy (5 min)
- Flavius Bejan, Ovidiu Stefan Popa, Andra Maria Tudor (students) : “Transilvania University of Brasov – Oppeness to the
community”. Transilvania University of Braşov Romania. (supervising teacher Elena Helerea) (5 min)
- Dr. Ioan Senchea Technological High School, Romania (5 min)
- Johannes Honterus Theoretical High School, Romania (5 min)
- National College Doamna Stanca Fagaras, Romania (5 min)
- ANEIE- Associação Nacional Educativa de Inclusão e Inovação nas Escolas, Portugal (5 min)
- IES Julio Verne, C/ instituto S/N, Bargas, Toledo, Spain (5 min)
- 1st Lyceum of Vrilissia, Athens, Greece (5 min)
- American Farm School – Perrotis College, Thessaloniki, Greece (5 min)
- 1st Model Experimental General Lyceum, “MANOLIS ANDRONIKOS” Thessaloniki, Greece (5 min)
- Gounopoulou I., Datsi V.,: Model Experimental School of University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece (5 min)
Coffee break (11.30-12.00)
CHAIRMAN: Efthimis Mavrogeorgiadis, Kosmas Touloumis
SUPPORTING STUDENTS: Nikos Chatzarakis, Vassilis Apostoloudas
- Mattia Famoso and Daigo Tricomi (students): “What is EPM?” University of Catania, Boggio Lera High School. (supervising
teacher: Angelo Rapisarda) (10 min)
- “From Catania to Thessaloniki” (15 min)
- Italian students: Mattia Famoso
- Romanian students
- Greek students: Apostoloudas V., Datsi V., Apostolouda O.
- Elena Helerea (teacher): “Knowledge at Work – ICHSTM Congress, organized in 2013 in Manchester”. Transilvania University
of Braşov, Romania (10 min)
- Jaime Araujo (teacher): “Teachers Europe Academy” ANEIE- Associação Nacional Educativa de Inclusão e Inovação nas Escolas/
Evora University, Portugal (10 min)
CULTURAL SESSION (12.50-13.15)
CHAIRMAN: Efthimis Mavrogeorgiadis, Kosmas Touloumis
SUPPORTING STUDENTS: Nikos Chatzarakis, Vassilis Apostoloudas
- Hera Nicolae and Kraft Biris Paul (students) : “Carţa - the ruins of the most eastern European Cistercian Abbey”. Dr Ioan
Senchea Technological High School, Romania. (supervising teacher: Husac Luminita) (10 min)
- Ioakeimidou A., Dagkou E. (students): “Important monuments of Thessaloniki we will visit” (10 min)
Lunch on school grounds (Greek cuisine) (13.30 -14.30)
Tour of Thessaloniki (14.45 -17.30)
Friday 4 October
SESSION “Green Energy and Technology” (9. -9.30)
CHAIRMAN: Κiki Vassilou, Mihalis Blekas
SUPPORTING STUDENTS: Molnar Mihai, Giannis Damdas
- Flavius Bejan, Ovidiu Stefan Popa, Benjamin Paulin ( students): “How can we transform solar energy into electricity?”
Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania (supervising teacher: Elena Helerea) (10 min)
- Fatu Nicoleta and Lucaci Cristina (students): “Justin Capră, the unique Romanian inventor”. Dr. Ioan Senchea Technological
High School, Romania (supervising teacher: Urs Ancuţa) (10 min)
- Tsavlidou A., Apostoloudas V. : “Creating our sustainable school”. Model Experimental High-School of University of Macedonia,
Thessaloniki, Greece (supervising teacher: Papadimitriou Dimosthenis) (10 min)
SESSION “History of Science and Technology/ Projects” (9.30 -12.30)
CHAIRMAN: Κiki Vassilou, Mihalis Blekas
SUPPORTING STUDENTS: : Molnar Mihai, Giannis Damdas
- Natalija Kozarevska (student) and Tryfon Adamidis (teacher): “Plastic Food Containers: Safety and Recycling”. Perrotis College,
American Farm School, Thessaloniki, Greece (10 min)
- Andra Ioana Maria Tudor (student): The history of microphones. Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania (supervising
teacher : Elena Helerea) (10 min)
- Iulia ENE (student): “The printing press, Honterus and the schools of Braşov”. Johannes Honterus Theoretical High School,
Romania. (supervising teacher Melania Filip) (10 min)
- Angel Delgado-Aguilera Muñoz, Victor M. Benavente (Teachers): “Student climate research campaign”. IES Julio Verne, C/
instituto S/N, Bargas, Toledo, Spain (10 min)
- Molnar Mihai and Dobreanu Rares (students): “The ancestors of the nowadays washing machines”. Dr. Ioan Senchea Technological
High School, Romania (supervising teacher: Silaghi Mihaela-Laura) (10 min)
DANCE BREAK FOR STUDENTS (learning greek dances)
CHAIRMAN: Corina Popa, Flora Paparou
SUPPORTING STUDENTS: Petros Dimitrakopoulos, Vassilis Apostoloudas
- Flora Paparou (teacher): “Discovering historical experiments in the classroom – a school project on the history of science”.
1st Lyceum of Vrilissia, Greece (10 min)
- Stratos Axiotis (student): “Discovering aspects of the history of medicine through a summer visit to Kos island”. 1st
Lyceum of Vrilissia, Greece. (supervising teacher: Flora Paparou) (10 min)
- Kostas Dragatis (student): “Discovering Nicola Tesla experiments”. 1st Lyceum of Vrilissia, Greece. (supervising teacher:
Flora Paparou) (10 min)
- Petros Dimitrakopoulos and Aggelo Tzourtzi (students): “Discovering Galileo’s arguments and experiments on falling objects”.
1st Lyceum of Vrilissia, Greece. (supervising teacher: Flora Paparou) (10 min)
- Tudor Popa, Claudiu Dragut (students): “The viewer of humanity, the victim of history”. National College Doamna Stanca
Fagaras, Romania. (supervising teacher: Corina Popa) (10 min)
- Sorina Bucur, Renata Vanc (students): “Lazar Edeleanu”. National College Doamna Stanca Fagaras, Romania. (supervising
teacher: Corina Popa) (10 min)
- Ana Maria Toanchina, Olivian Blendea (students): “Thomas Midgley Jr. and his detrimental inventions”. National College
Doamna Stanca Fagaras, Romania. (supervising teacher: Corina Popa) (10 min)
- Eleni Karali, Maria Nella, Aliki Popidou, Michaella Mavromati, Sofia Gerochristos, Irene Nikouli (students, members
of Experiments Club “Peir-Omadon”): “1st Competion of Creative Experiments – Our experience”. 1st Model Experimental General
Lyceum “MANOLIS ANDRONIKOS”, Thessaloniki, Greece (supervising teachers: Κlairi Achilleos, S. Friligkos) (10 min)
13.30 – 18.00 Visit to the Centre of Science and Tecnhology NOESIS and KOSMOS shopping center
Saturday 5 October
SESSION “EPM works” (10.00 -13.00 )
CHAIRMAN: Elena Helerea, Angelo Rapisarda
SUPPORTING STUDENTS: Dragut Claudiu, Olga Apostolouda
- Mattia Famoso: “About Issuing EPM”. University of Catania (supervising teacher: A. Rapisarda) (10 min)
- Daigo Tricomi: “How to write a technical scientific article”. Liceo Boggio Lera, Catania, Italy (supervising teacher: A.
- Daigo Tricomi: “How to advertise and widening EPM “. Liceo Boggio Lera, Catania, Italy (supervising teacher: A. Rapisarda)
- Daigo Tricomi: “Layout 2014”. Liceo Boggio Lera, Catania, Italy (supervising teacher: A. Rapisarda)
- Teachers: The future of EPM.
- Students : EPM workshop in the laboratory. Presentation and organization by: Datsi V, Apostoloudas V., Apostolouda O., Model
Experimental School of University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. (supervising teachers: Georgolios N., Zarfdjian M.)
13.00 – 19.00: Visit to the achaeological museum of Thessaloniki and walk along the seafront promenade
Sunday 6 October
Free day
Monday 7 October
Excursion to Vergina (archaeological sights) with the students of the Model Experimental High School of University of Macedonia
(8.00 – 16.00)
Tuesday 8 October
Two hours of classes or laboratories for students (8.30 -10.00)
Conclusion of 18th EPM meeting.
Mattia Famoso: “From Thessaloniki to Iasi”. University of Catania, Catania, Italy (supervising teacher: A. Rapisarda) (10.30
– 11.00)
Tree planting. Every school plants a tree in commemoration of the meeting. (11.00 – 12.00)
Farewell dinner for teachers (19.00 – 22.00)
Goodbyes night for students (organized by Greek students)