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The Romanian health system does not have a positive image either in Romania or abroad. However, 2012 brings to our attention impressive innovations in cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery and removal of organs for transplant, of which we mention only a few.
In our country, the first liver transplant in a patient diagnosed with colorectal cancer with liver metastases was conducted in January by Professor Irinel Popescu, head of the Fundeni Centre for Digestive Diseases and Liver Transplant Institute.
The month that followed brought on the Romanian medical firmament a procedure of cardio-pulmonary postoperative assistance of ECMO type, following an open heart surgery. According to this procedure, for the very first time, the heart, lungs or both are put to a rest and the patient can stay in ICU for more than a week.
In March, an operation of bilateral fetal hydrothorax treated in utero was performed. If fetal lung fluid accumulates too much, this would lead to a compression of the fetus’ lungs. Medical manager of the “Regina Maria”Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic in Bucharest, Dr. Hadi Rahimian, placed a thoraco-amniotic shunt inside the fetus, by which the fluid from the lungs was drained into the amniotic fluid. This allowed the normal development of the fetus’ lungs inside the womb up until birth.
Bucharest University Emergency Hospital performed for the first time in Romania and Central and Eastern Europe, in October, a prosthetic knee surgery. This medical institute is the first centre in Romania and one of the first two centers in Europe which have been accredited for this type of procedure.
Beginning with the rudimentary medicine practised by Samuel Hahnemann and up to this day, the Romanian medicine has come a long way. Despite insufficient funds and inappropriate technological equipment, it is the human passion after all which has promoted and will continue to promote the creative spirit in the welfare of mankind.