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> Welcome at EPMagazine
Welcome to the EPMagazine official website: a site about the history of science and technology including green energy seen through the historical or evolutionary point of view published jointly by universities and secondary schools.
> News blog

28 December 2021

2022 Calendars available.

Download and print them. Happy 2022!

18 October 2020

Issue 2018-2 is published.

17 February 2020

Issue 2017-3 is published.

24 March 2019

Issue 2016-3 is online.

10 April 2014

New photo's of IASI

5 March 2014 (blog post of Saturday; first day of conference)

Read whole blog

The presenter of the day, Salvatore Lo Castro, introduced the 3rd day of the 9th EPM’s conference.

The day began with the session “History of Technology” which had four different topics. Then, there was the session of Nanotechnology with other fourteen topics.

During the first coffee break, the audience tasted some starters with cheese that was described in the fourth exposition.

The most part of the presentations were very fascinating even if the power point didn’t present any bibliography or iconography. This lack compromised the reliability of the presentation and, consequently, their scientific value; the others were badly exposed, although they presented the interesting topics.

At the end of the conference, the audience lunched in the restaurant “Pensiunea Retiro” where the students and the teachers spent a beautiful day in company, eating and dancing a lot; thanks to this moment, the guys had the opportunity to socialize and to exchange opinions about their own culture, tradition and knowledge.

20 February 2014: IASI NEWS

Dear friends, I am glad to announce you that Gh. Asachi technical school came with another convenient option for teachers accommodation during EPM Conference: - Retiro Hotel 3 stars, nearby our school, 12 euro/night/person, including breakfast (we can negotiate this price for you). For working days, including Saturday (only breakfast and lunch) we negotiate a good offer at a self-catering restaurant for students (10 minutes walking from our school) around 8 euro/day/person (excluding drinks). During conference days we will offer to our guests snacks, cakes, fruits, coffee and water. All the students for EPM conference will be hosted by our boarding house (rooms for 4 students, private bathroom, without breakfast) at maximum 7 euro/person (I try to negotiate at 5 euro/person). The total cost for accommodation and meals during all days of EPM Conference can be around:
40 euro/student
60 euro/teacher (for Retiro Hotel)

Please, let me know as quick as you can the exact number, name and gender of students and teachers coming to 19th EPM Conference.
Looking forward to seeing you in Iasi! Best regards, Tamara Slatineanu

6 January 2014

The new official forms for 2014 have been published here.

25 December 2013

27 November 2013

EPMeeting Thessaloniki photo's.

At our special Thessaloniki page you can see the pictures taken during the EPMeeting in Thessaloniki.

3 October 2013

EPMeeting Thessaloniki.

Currently, EPMagazine has a meeting in Thessaloniki Greece. After October 21, we will publish the pictures of this meeting. We wish all participants a great time. Also see our FB page:

15 June 2013

Issue 3-2012.

Publishing the articles of Issue 3-2012 is in progress right now! We inform you when the web version of the issue is completed.

14 Apr 2013

The next EPMeeting in Greece, Thessaloniki at 3-8 October 2013!

23 Feb 2013

Issue 2-2012.

We published the 2nd issue of 2012. As usual you can read on the web or you can download the .PDF!

24 Dec 2012

14 Oct 2012

Issue 1-2012.

The first issue of 2012 has been published on our website. You can read the articles on our site or you can download the magazine.

9 Oct 2012

News guidelines for contributors have been published.

2 Oct 2012

Catania pictures

Today new pictures of the EPMeeting in Catania have been published.

> EPMeeting Toledo, Spain 15-12 / 22-12


> New articles

General: EPM Calendars 2025 23 Feb

General: EPM Calendars 2024 26 Dec

General: EPM Calendars 2023 18 Dec

General: EPM Calendars 2022 28 Dec

General: EPM Calendars 2018 10 Feb

News: EPMagazine Meeting: 18-5-2022: short report 29 May

News: Newsletter sept 2016 25 Sep